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Rosé with Rae

Apr 27, 2023

I was connected with Jess through Amber (ep. on the Grief Gang Podcast where we discussed dating, sex, and intimacy after partner loss. I love today's conversation because we are circling back on that conversation over a year later and diving into:

  • Owning your grief journey and not feeling guilty about moving forward...

Apr 20, 2023

You have your friends, you have your best friends, and then you have your soul sisters. Jeanetta definitely falls in the last category, and if you've been a longtime listener of the podcast then you know exactly what I mean. Jeanetta is back for season 3 and in today's episode you'll see why we keep inviting her back...

Apr 4, 2023

I'm sitting down for a HILARIOUS conversation this week with my girl Lindsay. We met on ig years ago and finally got to meet in person earlier this year and then recorded this episode shortly after. She was on season 2 as Lindsay Ayers of The Faith Feast aka her blog at the time. Since then she's shut down the blog and...